CBT Oakville's Greg Dubord, MD

CBT Oakville is directed by Greg Dubord, MD,
a veteran of over twenty years of cognitive behavior therapy practice at King & Bay in downtown Toronto.


Dr. Dubord completed his CBT training under its founder, Dr. Aaron Beck, in the mid-1990s. He was subsequently recruited by the former Clarke Institute of Psychiatry (now Centre for Addiction and Mental Health) to establish the Intermediate and Advanced CBT Institutes for the professional education of psychotherapists. Dr. Dubord has led both courses for the Department of Psychiatry for over a decade, and is the Director of the University of Toronto CBT Certificate Program.




Dr. Dubord teaches CBT widely beyond the University of Toronto. He has given over 250 training workshops for groups of mental health professionals worldwide, and is a recent recipient of the University of Toronto's CME Teacher of the Year award.

Dr. Dubord is honored to be joined in Oakville by a growing team, dedicated to providing state-of-the-art CBT to the local community.